Think Big

Develop, launch and grow new business ventures


Associate of Applied Science Degree

The Associate of Applied Science (AAS) Degree in Entrepreneurship is crafted for the student with a natural drive and passion for business, and offers a strong foundation in the entrepreneurial mindset. This program empowers future business owners to develop, launch, grow, and sustain successful ventures. It’s also ideal for the current entrepreneur seeking to sharpen their business acumen by exploring new opportunities, managing risks, and evolving their existing operations. With a focus on fostering an entrepreneurial mindset, identifying and assessing business opportunities, securing funding, and strategic planning, this degree equips the student with essential skills to thrive in the dynamic world of entrepreneurship. 

Except for BADM 1005, BADM 1020, CMAP 1200, ENGL 2002, and FIN 1000, the courses listed below may be substituted for courses listed in program requirements:

Course Number Course Credits
ENTR 1590Entrepreneurial Leadership I1
ENTR 2510ENTR III: Financing Your Business3
ENTR 2520Legal Issues for Entrepreneurs3
ENTR 2535ENTR IV: Strategic Planning3
ENTR 2590Entrepreneurial Leadership II1
MKT 1510Entrepreneurial Marketing3

Course Requirements

Course Number Course Credits
ACCT 2010Principles of Accounting I4
ACCT 2110Quickbooks Accounting2
BADM 1005Business Math I3
BADM 1020Business Communications3
BADM 2010Legal Environment of Business3
BADM 2105Small Business Management3
ENTR 4050Entrepreneurship Essentials4
CMAP 1200Computer Information Systems3
COMM 2130Human Relations3
COMM 4050Communication and Conflict3
ENTR 1505Entr I: Entrepreneurial Mindset3
FIN 1000Personal Finance3
MGT 3110Business Ethics3
MGT 3415Applied Human Resources Management3
MKT 1000Sales3
MKT 3210Principles of Marketing3

Students must complete general education requirements that will provide students a general knowledge to help them complete a degree at CWC.

Writing Level I (WR1) 3 credits
American & Wyoming Government (POLS 1000) 3 credits
MATH/APPM/LSCI (in program)
Student must complete six (6) credits of general education courses distributed over two (2) different general education areas, one of which is either WR2 or ORAL.
ARTS/HUM/IT/ORAL/SOC/WR2 (in program)
UNST 1 credits

Students must complete six (6) credits of general education courses distributed over two (2) different general education areas, one of which is either WR2 or ORAL.

Total Credit Hours: 60


The Entrepreneurship Certificate I program is designed for students who exhibit entrepreneurial potential and interest in exploring the entrepreneurial mindset. The focus is on developing an entrepreneurial mindset, evaluating and investigating business opportunities, financing a business, and strategic planning. The general education requirements are designed to encourage students to develop computational and communication skills used in the entrepreneurial world.

Program Requirements

Course Number Course Credits
ACCT 2010Principles of Accounting I4
BADM 1005Business Math I3
BADM 1020Business Communications3
ENGL 2002Technical Writing3
BADM 2010Legal Environment of Business3
BADM 2105Small Business Management3
CMAP 1200Computer Information Systems3
ENTR 1501Survey of Entrepreneurship1-3
FIN 1000Personal Finance3
COMM 2130Human Relations3
COMM 4050Communication and Conflict3
MGT 2130Human Relations3
MGT 3415Applied Human Resources Management3
MKT 1000Sales3

Except for BADM 1005, BADM 1020, ENGL 2005 and FIN 1000, the courses listed below may be substituted for courses listed in program requirement: 
Course Number Course Credits
ENTR 1590Entrepreneurial Leadership I1
ENTR 2510ENTR III: Financing Your Business3
ENTR 2520Legal Issues for Entrepreneurs3
ENTR 2535ENTR IV: Strategic Planning3
ENTR 2590Entrepreneurial Leadership II1
MKT 1510Entrepreneurial Marketing3

General Education Requirements

Writing Level I (WR1)/ORAL3 credits


(in program)
UNST1 credits

Total Credit Hours: 38

The Entrepreneurship Certificate II program is designed for students who exhibit entrepreneurial potential and interest in exploring the entrepreneurial mindset. The focus is on developing an entrepreneurial mindset, evaluating and investigating business opportunities, financing a business, and strategic planning. 

Total Credit Hours: 18

Students must select eighteen (18) credits from the following course listed below:

Program Requirements

Course Number Course Credits
ENTR 1501Survey of Entrepreneurship1-3
ENTR 1505Entr I: Entrepreneurial Mindset3
ENTR 1525ENTR II: Opportunity Analysis3
ENTR 2510ENTR III: Financing Your Business3
ENTR 2520Legal Issues for Entrepreneurs3
ENTR 2535ENTR IV: Strategic Planning3
MKT 1000Sales3
MKT 1510Entrepreneurial Marketing3

The Leadership Studies certificate program is designed to provide the student with a comprehensive understanding of leadership styles, and how leadership models have evolved over time. The student will gain in-depth insight into how their own leadership style has been influenced by their environment and also by psychological factors they were likely ingrained with from birth. The student will then study the foundational principles of effective leadership: how to create and communicate an organizational vision, inspire others to follow, develop trust, and obtain desired results. Through the practicum, the student will apply the knowledge gained in previous courses and receive feedback on progress.

Total Credit Hours: 11

Program Requirements

Course Number Course Credits
LEAD 3110Foundations of Leadership3
MGT 3010Personal Leadership3
LEAD 4005Leading Others3
MGT 4400Leadership Practicum2


Associate Professor of Business

Profile photo of Drew Freeman

Drew Freeman

Professor of Business

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Catherine Fisher

Instructor of Business

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Pamela Davidson

Instructor of Business

Entrepreneurship Essentials

Entrepreneurship Essentials is a hands-on, experiential and practical course focused on helping individuals work on and launch their business ideas. The program is designed to jump-start aspiring entrepreneurs and to encourage Wyoming’s economic growth and diversification. 

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